/*"Fixed point" means you use ints
that are scaled by a value.  A common
example would be using number of pennies
instead of dollars with a float.

Fixed-point used to be much faster,
but modern processors do well with
floats.  It also depends on the compiler
and my compiler is poor with floats.

I often use 64-bit ints with upper 32-bits
as int and lower 32-bits as fraction.

See ::/Demo/SubIntAccess.HC for how
to access upper or lower 32-bits.

For a complete lst of nonstandard compiler
features, see ::/Doc/HolyC.DD.

U0 Main()
  F64 t0,f_sum=0,f_val;
  I64 i ,i_sum=0,i_val;

  i_val= 2.0000002 *0x100000000;
  for (i=1000000000;i;i--)
  "Int Sum\t\t:%.9f Time:%7.3fs\n",i_sum/ToF64(0x100000000),tS-t0;

  f_val= 2.0000002;
  for (i=1000000000;i;i--)
  "Float Sum\t:%.9f Time:%7.3fs\n",f_sum,tS-t0;

U0 DoIt2()
  I64 i=0x123456789ABCDEF0;


  /*  Standard int types are declared
with a special compiler feature which
allows a structure to be accessed as a
whole.  That's why the i variable can
be accessed normally in addition to
structure member access I64.  The actual
intrinsic compiler type is U64i.

public U64i union I64
  I8i i8[8];
  U8i u8[8];
  I16 i16[4];
  U16 u16[4];
  I32 i32[2];
  U32 u32[2];

It's not quite as great as it seems
because the compiler decides it cannot
place i into a reg, so there is a

For a complete lst of nonstandard compiler
features, see ::/Doc/HolyC.DD.



//See ::/Demo/Lectures/FixedPointAdvanced.HC

/*Program Output

16 Cores 3.500GHz
Int Sum         :2000000199.768690240 Time:  0.803s
Float Sum       :2000000225.656127040 Time:  3.615s

i               =123456789ABCDEF0
i>>32           =12345678
i.u32[0]        =9ABCDEF0
i.u32[1]        =12345678