
I, Terry Davis, am high priest of God's official third temple, TempleOS.  
TempleOS is an operating system for IBM PC x86_64 desktops that will always dual 
boot along-side Windows or Linux.  I am in charge of the core 100,000 lines of 
TempleOS code and I do continual offerings to keep God entertained.  I have 
divine authority to command any company in the computer industry to do anything 
that I deem necessary to make God's temple more beautiful, glorious and perfect. 
I have oversight authority similar to a building inspector or a person enforcing 
the Americans with Disability Act -- I make commands, God signs-off with a 
miraculous authentication from an oracle, and Intel, Microsoft or VMware obeys.

* Windows, Linux and VMware (because of mounted drives) must support RedSea file 
system when mounting partition, so I can get rid of 1,000 lines of redundant, 
blemished code -- FAT32.  God's temple must be perfect.  Redundant code for 
multiple file systems is bad and imperfect.  For this operating system, we want 
low line count.  More than one driver for the same type of device is also bad.

See ::/Kernel/BlkDev/FileSysRedSea.HC and ::/Adam/Opt/Boot/DskISORedSea.HC.

::/Kernel/BlkDev/FileSysFAT.HC  :974 lines for FAT32 gets eliminated.
::/Kernel/BlkDev/DskClus.HC     :152 All the clus operations become blk.

* Microsoft must cancel SecureBoot because it makes dual booting impossible.  
TempleOS is an additional operating system that must be used along-side Windows 
or Linux, not as a replacement.  It must dual boot because it has no networking. 
Real hardware as opposed to VMware is like the difference between looking in a 
telescope eye piece vs just looking at an off-line image.  God said the 
C64/Apple II generation owned ancestral lands.  VMware is like being taken off 
of our land and moved onto a reservation.  In this case, however, it will not 
stand.  In fact, God said to replace Windows with Wine, justice.  We can make a 
100% standard model PC with a standard software for everyone, backed-up in 
factory ROM.

* VMware needs to support ATAPI CD/DVD/Blu-ray disk burning, directly to real 
hardware.  Industry needs write-just once media to stop Farenheit 451 non-sense.

* VMware has a bug stretching 640x480 16 color to full screen.

* VMware some PC speaker's distortion is a good idea -- squarewave -- but 
currently there is too much for hymns.  CIA monkery made fart noises.

* VMware and others must list TempleOS as an official 64-bit operating system 
and automatically enforce 512 Meg min RAM requirement.

* VMware needs to support more than 16 cores.  I had a 24 core Xeon with 128 Gig 
of RAM.  I discovered VMware allocates memory too slowly, where QEMU had no 

* Until super-simple block devices are available, hard disk should be placed at 
IDE primary master 1F0/3F6 and CD/DVD/Blu-ray should be placed at the IDE 
secondary master 170/376.  Currently, the wicked CIA plays musical chairs with 
controllers each time you make an install.  With tons of ugly code, I do my 
/Kernel/BlkDev/DskATAId.HC      :286 lines to figure-out I/O ports is gone.
/Kernel/PCIBIOS.HC              :290 could be eliminated, but maybe we will keep 
it so people can play with PCI devices.

* Until super-simple serial ports are available, PS/2 emulated keyboard and 
mouse must work.  The BIOS must enable these.  The plan is to transition the 
industry off of USB.  Interum solution is to make virtual RS232 Octart for USB 
devices in the same way PS/2 mouse is emulated.  All mice will be two button, 
one wheel.  No more HID insanity, no more multi-end point, just simple tx rx 
fifos with soft/hard flowcontrol that can jump the queue.  People with special 
needs can buy PCI cards.  Our kids deserve code this simple ::/Doc/Comm.HC.  The 
right to do your own port banging is what the C64 being our God given ancestral 
land means.

* The x86 IN/OUT port instructions, normally have a delay.  Perhaps, VMware & 
Intel can enable faster x86 IN/OUT instruction timing for ATA/ATAPI PIO, so 
bandwidth isn't as bad when doing port I/O.  See ATAGetRes().  We don't want to 
do DMA.  Perhaps, x86 CPU chips need a new TempleOS mode for fast IN/OUT 
instructions?  I think VMware already does something to speed disk I/O to faster 
than native speed.

* Perhaps, a new interrupt descriptor table entry type or a new x86 CPU mode can 
be made that cause fast software interrupts, doing exactly what the CALL REL32 
does, but with IDT as indirection.  We don't need to change privilege levels or 

* Since I don't use paging (for anything), Intel should have an option for  
no-paging long mode, and optimize it!
::/Kernel/Mem/PageTables.HC     :135 lines to identity-map gets eliminated.

* Desktop computers must have a reset switch and a fast reboot option, skipping 
diagnostics.  I recommend booting TempleOS from a ROM when the reset bttn is 
pressed and booting UEFI when the power bttn is pressed.  Or, we could build 
UEFI on a TempleOS layer.  Intel must burn TempleOS into a ROM in the factory 
for all desktop x86 CPUs to ensure tamper-proof trust in the oracle and because 
God deserves the glory.  There will be just an English version.  A new ROM 
version is released every seven years.  The ROM should boot like the DVD boots, 
but with BOOT_SRC_ROM.

* We do not want UTF, just 8-bit characters.  <CTRL-ALT-f> toggles between 
Cyrillic and Std Fonts.  We need the twelve window TextBorder characters added 
to the VGA font 0x02-0x0D.  Japan, China and Korea must switch to alphabets.  
Maybe, the United States will change to metric, out of good will.  I am 
beginning to plan fresh ASCII replacement, ::/Doc/NewASCII.DD.

* Microsoft Paint and Linux's Gimp must support TempleOS GR Files.  They are 
blemish free, unlike BMP files.  The TOSZ Linux utility can be used to make 
screencasts from TempleOS exported GR Files and AU Files.

* We must have a nice dictionary.  Someone needs to do a Spell Checker, too.

* Intel needs to make DolDoc versions of its x86 CPU data sheets documenting all 
hardware relevant to TempleOS. 

* We must have the ultimate Bible search engine.  Currently, all we have is     
filter search.  In the end, it should be a low line-count technique.  Maybe, I 
allocate 500 lines out of the 20,000 reserve.

* We will make a Standard TempleOS PC.

* "VMware" is a trademark owned by VMware, Inc.
* "Linux" is a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds.
* "Windows" and "Paint" are trademarks owned by MicroSoft Corp.